Aldeia RPG

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4 participantes

    Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item


    Mensagens : 169
    Créditos : 5

    Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item Empty Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item

    Mensagem por Motodark Dom Dez 21, 2014 8:40 pm

    [size=18]Client side:[/size][size=14]

    Em [b]modConstants[/b] Abaixo de:

    [size=13]Public Const ITEM_TYPE_SPELL As Byte = 8[/size]

    [size=13]Public Const ITEM_TYPE_STAT_RESET As Byte = 9[/size]
    Em [b]frmEditor_Item[/b] add cmbType's list: Resetador

    [/size][size=18]Server Side:[/size][size=14]

    Em [b]modConstants[/b] abaixo de:

    [size=13]Public Const ITEM_TYPE_SPELL As Byte = 8[/size]

    [size=13]Public Const ITEM_TYPE_STAT_RESET As Byte = 9[/size]
    Em [b]modPlayer[/b], na sub UseItem add abaixo [/size][b][size=14]do[/size][/b][size=14] códico:

    [size=13]            Case ITEM_TYPE_SPELL
                    ' stat requirements
                    For i = 1 To [/size][b][size=13]Stats[/size][/b][size=13].Stat_Count - 1
                        If GetPlayerRawStat(index, i) < [/size][b][size=13]Item[/size][/b][size=13](itemnum).Stat_Req(i) Then
                            PlayerMsg index, "You [/size][b][size=13]do[/size][/b][size=13] not meet the stat requirements to use this[/size][b][size=13]item[/size][/b][size=13].", BrightRed
                            Exit Sub
                        End If
                    ' level requirement
                    If GetPlayerLevel(index) < [/size][b][size=13]Item[/size][/b][size=13](itemnum).LevelReq Then
                        PlayerMsg index, "You [/size][b][size=13]do[/size][/b][size=13] not meet the level requirement to use this [/size][b][size=13]item[/size][/b][size=13].", BrightRed
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    ' class requirement
                    If [/size][b][size=13]Item[/size][/b][size=13](itemnum).ClassReq > 0 Then
                        If Not GetPlayerClass(index) = [/size][b][size=13]Item[/size][/b][size=13](itemnum).ClassReq Then
                            PlayerMsg index, "You [/size][b][size=13]do[/size][/b][size=13] not meet the class requirement to use this[/size][b][size=13]item[/size][/b][size=13].", BrightRed
                            Exit Sub
                        End If
                    End If
                    ' access requirement
                    If Not GetPlayerAccess(index) >= [/size][b][size=13]Item[/size][/b][size=13](itemnum).AccessReq Then
                        PlayerMsg index, "You [/size][b][size=13]do[/size][/b][size=13] not meet the access requirement to use this [/size][b][size=13]item[/size][/b][size=13].", BrightRed
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    ' Get the spell num
                    n = [/size][b][size=13]Item[/size][/b][size=13](itemnum).Data1

                    If n > 0 Then

                        ' Make sure they are the right class
                        If Spell(n).ClassReq = GetPlayerClass(index) Or Spell(n).ClassReq = 0 Then
                            ' Make sure they are the right level
                            i = Spell(n).LevelReq

                            If i <= GetPlayerLevel(index) Then
                                i = FindOpenSpellSlot(index)

                                ' Make sure they have an open spell slot
                                If i > 0 Then

                                    ' Make sure they dont already have the spell
                                    If Not HasSpell(index, n) Then
                                        Call SetPlayerSpell(index, i, n)
                                        Call SendAnimation(GetPlayerMap(index),[/size][b][size=13]Item[/size][/b][size=13](itemnum).Animation, 0, 0, TARGET_TYPE_PLAYER, index)
                                        Call TakeInvItem(index, itemnum, 0)
                                        Call PlayerMsg(index, "You feel the rush of knowledge fill your mind. You can now use " & Trim$(Spell(n).Name) & ".", BrightGreen)
                                        Call PlayerMsg(index, "You already have knowledge of this skill.", BrightRed)
                                    End If

                                    Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot learn any more skills.", BrightRed)
                                End If

                                Call PlayerMsg(index, "You must be level " & i & " to learn this skill.", BrightRed)
                            End If

                            Call PlayerMsg(index, "This spell can only be learned by " & CheckGrammar(GetClassName(Spell(n).ClassReq)) & ".", BrightRed)
                        End If
                    End If
                    ' send the sound
                    SendPlayerSound index, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index), SoundEntity.seItem, itemnum[/size]
    [size=14]Adicione isso abaixo [/size][b][size=14]do[/size][/b][size=14] códico acima:

    [size=13]            Case ITEM_TYPE_STAT_RESET
                    filename = App.Path & "\data\classes.ini"
                    Call SetPlayerStat(index, Agility, Val(GetVar(filename, "CLASS" & GetPlayerClass(index), "Agility")))
                    Call SetPlayerStat(index, Strength, Val(GetVar(filename, "CLASS" & GetPlayerClass(index), "Strength")))
                    Call SetPlayerStat(index, Intelligence, Val(GetVar(filename, "CLASS" & GetPlayerClass(index), "Intelligence")))
                    Call SetPlayerStat(index, Endurance, Val(GetVar(filename, "CLASS" & GetPlayerClass(index), "Endurance")))
                    Call SetPlayerStat(index, Willpower, Val(GetVar(filename, "CLASS" & GetPlayerClass(index), "Willpower")))
                    If Not GetPlayerPOINTS(index) > 0 Then
                        Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index)  ((GetPlayerLevel(index) - 1) * 3))
                        Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, 0)
                        Call SetPlayerPOINTS(index, GetPlayerPOINTS(index)  ((GetPlayerLevel(index) - 1) * 3))
                    End If
                    Call TakeInvItem(index, Player(index).Inv(invNum).Num, 0)
                    ' send the sound
                    SendPlayerSound index, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index), SoundEntity.seItem, itemnum
                    Call PlayerMsg(index, "Your [/size][b][size=13]Stats[/size][/b][size=13] had been reset!", BrightRed)
    Agora, na mesma sub, modifique o começo [/size][b][size=14]do[/size][/b][size=14] códico onde está:

    [size=13]Dim n As Long, i As Long, tempItem As Long, x As Long, y As Long, itemnum As Long[/size]

    [size=13]Dim n As Long, i As Long, tempItem As Long, x As Long, y As Long, itemnum As Long, filename As String[/size]

    Uma Item que ao usar, você reseta seus status, podendo assim adicona-los dinovo.

    - Helling 
    por postar
    - mmearrccii 
    por fazer

    Última edição por Helling em Ter Fev 03, 2015 6:24 pm, editado 1 vez(es)

    Medalhas : Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item ZgLkiRU
    Mensagens : 5337
    Créditos : 1164

    Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item Empty Re: Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item

    Mensagem por Valentine Dom Dez 21, 2014 8:47 pm

    E mais uma vez eu tenho que apagar os seus tópicos repetidos.

    Nos códigos, use:
    Membro Ativo
    Membro Ativo

    Mensagens : 267
    Créditos : 24

    Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item Empty Re: Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item

    Mensagem por Spooky Sáb Dez 27, 2014 12:41 pm

    WTF não entendi nada :C, tente organizar seu tópico

    Poderia me passar o link de onde vc pegou esse tuto? c-c

    Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item Hticjn



    Mensagens : 88
    Créditos : 23

    Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item Empty Re: Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item

    Mensagem por XWlash Sáb Dez 27, 2014 2:07 pm

    Helling sugiro que organize mais o tópico, ainda não testei o tutorial mas quando testar darei +1 crédito por disponibilizar, agradeço.

    Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item Source

    Tente novamente.

    Conteúdo patrocinado

    Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item Empty Re: Resetar os Pts do Stats por Item

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      Data/hora atual: Sáb Jul 27, 2024 2:39 am