Baixei a engine + source pokemon baseada em eo 2.0 porém os mapas não carregam as músicas, alguém poderia ajudar a resolver isso ? Onde está grifado de preto é onde estava escrito Music.
3 participantes
[Dúvida] Mapas não carregam música
kies~- Novato
- Mensagens : 1
Créditos : 0
- Mensagem nº2
Re: [Dúvida] Mapas não carregam música
Posta o link da engine pra darmos uma olhada mais a fundo no que pode ser
kronobr- Novato
- Mensagens : 7
Créditos : 0
- Mensagem nº3
Re: [Dúvida] Mapas não carregam música
- Código:
Option Explicit
Private Sub CheckCustomStats_Click()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).Custom = CheckCustomStats.Value
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim X As Long
Dim Y As Long
Dim i As Long
txtName.text = Trim$(map.Name)
txtUp.text = CStr(map.Up)
txtDown.text = CStr(map.Down)
txtLeft.text = CStr(map.Left)
txtRight.text = CStr(map.Right)
cmbMoral.ListIndex = map.Moral
scrlMusic.Value =
txtBootMap.text = CStr(map.BootMap)
txtBootX.text = CStr(map.BootX)
txtBootY.text = CStr(map.BootY)
cmbNpc(X).AddItem "No NPC"
For Y = 1 To MAX_NPCS
cmbNpc(X).AddItem Y & ": " & Trim$(NPC(Y).Name)
For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS
cmbNpc(i).ListIndex = map.NPC(i)
lblMap.Caption = "Current map: " & GetPlayerMap(MyIndex)
txtMaxX.text = map.MaxX
txtMaxY.text = map.MaxY
scrlPokeNum.Max = MAX_MAP_POKEMONS
scrlPokemonDataNum.Max = MAX_POKEMONS
loadPokemons (1)
End Sub
Private Sub scrlChance_Change()
Dim percent As Double
If scrlChance.Value = 0 Then
percent = 1 / scrlChance.Value
percent = percent * 100
End If
lblChance.Caption = "Chance: 1 out of " & scrlChance.Value & " (" & percent & "%)"
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).Chance = scrlChance.Value
End Sub
Sub loadAllPokemons()
Dim i As Long
EditPokemons(i) = map.Pokemon(i)
End Sub
Private Sub scrlMusic_Change()
lblMusic.Caption = CStr(scrlMusic.Value)
'Call DirectMusic_PlayMidi(scrlMusic.Value, 1)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOk_Click()
Dim i As Long
Dim sTemp As Long
Dim X As Long, x2 As Long
Dim Y As Long, y2 As Long
Dim tempArr() As TileRec
Dim a As Long
If Not IsNumeric(txtMaxX.text) Then txtMaxX.text = map.MaxX
If Val(txtMaxX.text) < MAX_MAPX Then txtMaxX.text = MAX_MAPX
If Val(txtMaxX.text) > MAX_BYTE Then txtMaxX.text = MAX_BYTE
If Not IsNumeric(txtMaxY.text) Then txtMaxY.text = map.MaxY
If Val(txtMaxY.text) < MAX_MAPY Then txtMaxY.text = MAX_MAPY
If Val(txtMaxY.text) > MAX_BYTE Then txtMaxY.text = MAX_BYTE
With map
.Name = Trim$(txtName.text)
.Up = Val(txtUp.text)
.Down = Val(txtDown.text)
.Left = Val(txtLeft.text)
.Right = Val(txtRight.text)
.Moral = cmbMoral.ListIndex
.music = scrlMusic.Value
.BootMap = Val(txtBootMap.text)
.BootX = Val(txtBootX.text)
.BootY = Val(txtBootY.text)
For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS
If cmbNpc(i).ListIndex > 0 Then
sTemp = InStr(1, Trim$(cmbNpc(i).text), ":", vbTextCompare)
If Len(Trim$(cmbNpc(i).text)) = sTemp Then
cmbNpc(i).ListIndex = 0
End If
End If
For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS
.NPC(i) = cmbNpc(i).ListIndex
Select Case EditPokemons(a).Custom
Case 0
map.Pokemon(a).PokemonNumber = EditPokemons(a).PokemonNumber
map.Pokemon(a).LevelFrom = EditPokemons(a).LevelFrom
map.Pokemon(a).LevelTo = EditPokemons(a).LevelTo
map.Pokemon(a).Custom = 0
map.Pokemon(a).ATK = EditPokemons(a).ATK
map.Pokemon(a).DEF = EditPokemons(a).DEF
map.Pokemon(a).SPATK = EditPokemons(a).SPATK
map.Pokemon(a).SPDEF = EditPokemons(a).SPDEF
map.Pokemon(a).SPD = EditPokemons(a).ATK
map.Pokemon(a).HP = EditPokemons(a).HP
map.Pokemon(a).Chance = EditPokemons(a).Chance
Case 1
map.Pokemon(a) = EditPokemons(a)
End Select
' set the data before changing it
tempArr = map.Tile
x2 = map.MaxX
y2 = map.MaxY
' change the data
.MaxX = Val(txtMaxX.text)
.MaxY = Val(txtMaxY.text)
ReDim map.Tile(0 To .MaxX, 0 To .MaxY)
If x2 > .MaxX Then x2 = .MaxX
If y2 > .MaxY Then y2 = .MaxY
For X = 0 To x2
For Y = 0 To y2
.Tile(X, Y) = tempArr(X, Y)
End With
Call UpdateDrawMapName
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub scrlPokemonDataNum_Change()
lblpokenum.Caption = "Pokemon Number:" & scrlPokemonDataNum.Value
If scrlPokemonDataNum.Value = 0 Then
lblPokeName.Caption = "None"
lblPokeName.Caption = Trim$(Pokemon(scrlPokemonDataNum.Value).Name)
End If
imgpoke.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Data Files\graphics\pokemonsprites\" & scrlPokemonDataNum.Value & ".gif")
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum.Value).PokemonNumber = scrlPokemonDataNum.Value
End Sub
Private Sub scrlPokeNum_Change()
Label3.Caption = "Pokemon:" & scrlPokeNum.Value
loadPokemons (scrlPokeNum.Value)
End Sub
Sub loadPokemons(ByVal pokeslot As Long)
With EditPokemons(pokeslot)
scrlPokemonDataNum.Value = .PokemonNumber
txtfrom.text = .LevelFrom
txtto.text = .LevelTo
If .Custom = 1 Then
CheckCustomStats.Value = 1
CheckCustomStats.Value = 0
End If
txtAtk.text = .ATK
txtDef.text = .DEF
txtSpAtk.text = .SPATK
txtSpDef.text = .SPDEF
txtSpd.text = .SPD
txtHP.text = .HP
scrlChance.Value = .Chance
imgpoke.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Data Files\graphics\pokemonsprites\" & .PokemonNumber & ".gif")
End With
End Sub
Private Sub txtAtk_Change()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).ATK = Val(txtAtk.text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtDef_Change()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).DEF = Val(txtDef.text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtfrom_Change()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).LevelFrom = Val(txtfrom.text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtHP_Change()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).HP = Val(txtHP.text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtSpAtk_Change()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).SPATK = Val(txtSpAtk.text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtSpd_Change()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).SPD = Val(txtSpd.text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtSpDef_Change()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).SPDEF = Val(txtSpDef.text)
End Sub
Private Sub txtto_Change()
EditPokemons(scrlPokeNum).LevelTo = Val(txtto.text)
End Sub
- Código:
Public Performance As DirectMusicPerformance
Public Segment As DirectMusicSegment
Public Loader As DirectMusicLoader
Public DS As DirectSound
Public Const SOUND_BUFFERS = 50
Private Type BufferCaps
Volume As Boolean
Frequency As Boolean
Pan As Boolean
End Type
Private Type SoundArray
DSBuffer As DirectSoundBuffer
DSCaps As BufferCaps
DSSourceName As String
End Type
Private Sound(1 To SOUND_BUFFERS) As SoundArray
' Contains the current sound index.
Public SoundIndex As Long
Public Music_On As Boolean
Public Music_Playing As String
Public Sound_On As Boolean
Private SEngineRestart As Boolean
Private Const DefaultVolume As Long = 100
Public Sub InitMusic()
Set Loader = DX7.DirectMusicLoaderCreate
Set Performance = DX7.DirectMusicPerformanceCreate
Performance.Init Nothing, frmMainGame.hwnd
Performance.SetPort -1, 80
' adjust volume 0-100
Performance.SetMasterVolume DefaultVolume * 42 - 3000
Performance.SetMasterAutoDownload True
End Sub
Public Sub InitSound()
'Make the DirectSound object
Set DS = DX7.DirectSoundCreate(vbNullString)
'Set the DirectSound object's cooperative level (Priority gives us sole control)
DS.SetCooperativeLevel frmMainGame.hwnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY
End Sub
Private Function GetState(ByVal Index As Integer) As String
'Returns the current state of the given sound
GetState = Sound(Index).DSBuffer.GetStatus
End Function
Public Sub SoundStop(ByVal Index As Integer)
'Stop the buffer and reset to the beginning
Sound(Index).DSBuffer.SetCurrentPosition 0
End Sub
Private Sub SoundLoad(ByVal file As String)
Dim DSBufferDescription As DSBUFFERDESC
' Set the sound index one higher for each sound.
SoundIndex = SoundIndex + 1
' Reset the sound array if the array height is reached.
If SoundIndex > UBound(Sound) Then
SEngineRestart = True
SoundIndex = 1
End If
' Remove the sound if it exists (needed for re-loop).
If SEngineRestart Then
If GetState(SoundIndex) = DSBSTATUS_PLAYING Then
SoundStop SoundIndex
SoundRemove SoundIndex
End If
End If
' Load the sound array with the data given.
With Sound(SoundIndex)
.DSSourceName = file 'What is the name of the source?
.DSCaps.Pan = True 'Is this sound to have Left and Right panning capabilities?
.DSCaps.Volume = True 'Is this sound capable of altered volume settings?
End With
'Set the buffer description according to the data provided
With DSBufferDescription
If Sound(SoundIndex).DSCaps.Pan Then
.lFlags = .lFlags Or DSBCAPS_CTRLPAN
End If
If Sound(SoundIndex).DSCaps.Volume Then
End If
End With
'Set the Wave Format
With DSFormat
.nChannels = 2
.lSamplesPerSec = 22050
.nBitsPerSample = 16
.nBlockAlign = .nBitsPerSample / 8 * .nChannels
.lAvgBytesPerSec = .lSamplesPerSec * .nBlockAlign
End With
Set Sound(SoundIndex).DSBuffer = DS.CreateSoundBufferFromFile(App.Path & SOUND_PATH & Sound(SoundIndex).DSSourceName, DSBufferDescription, DSFormat)
End Sub
Public Sub SoundRemove(ByVal Index As Integer)
'Reset all the variables in the sound array
With Sound(Index)
Set .DSBuffer = Nothing
.DSCaps.Frequency = False
.DSCaps.Pan = False
.DSCaps.Volume = False
.DSSourceName = vbNullString
End With
End Sub
Private Sub SetVolume(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Vol As Long)
'Check to make sure that the buffer has the capability of altering its volume
If Not Sound(Index).DSCaps.Volume Then Exit Sub
'Alter the volume according to the Vol provided
If Vol > 0 Then
Sound(Index).DSBuffer.SetVolume (60 * Vol) - 6000
Sound(Index).DSBuffer.SetVolume -6000
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SetPan(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Pan As Long)
'Check to make sure that the buffer has the capability of altering its pan
If Not Sound(Index).DSCaps.Pan Then Exit Sub
'Alter the pan according to the pan provided
Select Case Pan
Case 0
Sound(Index).DSBuffer.SetPan -10000
Case 100
Sound(Index).DSBuffer.SetPan 10000
Case Else
Sound(Index).DSBuffer.SetPan (100 * Pan) - 5000
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub PlayMidi(ByVal FileName As String, ByVal repeats As Long)
Dim Splitmusic() As String
Splitmusic = Split(FileName, ".", , vbTextCompare)
If Performance Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If LenB(Trim$(FileName)) < 1 Then Exit Sub
If UBound(Splitmusic) <> 1 Then Exit Sub
If Splitmusic(1) <> "mid" Then Exit Sub
If Not FileExist(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & FileName, True) Then Exit Sub
If Not Music_On Then Exit Sub
If Music_Playing = FileName Then Exit Sub
Set Segment = Nothing
Set Segment = Loader.LoadSegment(App.Path & MUSIC_PATH & FileName)
' repeat midi file
Segment.SetLoopPoints 0, 0
Segment.SetRepeats 100
Performance.PlaySegment Segment, 0, 0
Music_Playing = FileName
End Sub
Public Sub StopMidi()
If Not (Performance Is Nothing) Then Performance.Stop Segment, Nothing, 0, 0
Music_Playing = vbNullString
End Sub
Public Sub PlaySound(ByVal file As String, Optional ByVal Volume As Long = 100, Optional ByVal Pan As Long = 50)
' Check to see if DirectSound was successfully initalized.
If Not Sound_On Or Not FileExist(App.Path & SOUND_PATH & file, True) Then Exit Sub
If Options.PlayMusic = 0 Then
If file = "Choose.wav" Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
' Loads our sound into memory.
SoundLoad file
' Sets the volume for the sound.
SetVolume SoundIndex, Volume
' Sets the pan for the sound.
SetPan SoundIndex, Pan
' Play the sound.
Sound(SoundIndex).DSBuffer.Play DSBPLAY_DEFAULT
End Sub
Function GetSoundPosition(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
GetSoundPosition = curr.lWrite
End Function
Public Sub PlayMusic(ByVal file As String)
PlaySound file
MusicIndex = SoundIndex
End Sub
Public Sub StopMusic()
Call SoundStop(MusicIndex)
End Sub
E esse meu modSound
- Código:
Dim PlayerIsPlaying As Boolean 'determine when the player is playing
Dim Player As FilgraphManager 'Reference to our player
Dim PlayerPos As IMediaPosition 'Reference to determine media position
Dim PlayerAU As IBasicAudio 'Reference to determine Audio Volume
Dim i As Integer 'Icon index
Sub GoranPlay(ByVal file As String)
If Options.PlayMusic = 0 Then Exit Sub 'Music isnt allowed :/
Dim CurState As Long
'check player
If Not Player Is Nothing Then
'Get the state
Player.GetState X, CurState
If CurState = 1 Then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
StartPlay (file) 'Start playing the file
End Sub
Sub PlayMapMusic(ByVal music As String)
If FileExist(App.Path & "\Data Files\music\" & music, True) And InMapEditor = False Then
GoranPlay (App.Path & "\Data Files\music\" & music)
End If
End Sub
Sub StartPlay(ByVal file As String)
On Error GoTo error 'Handle Error
'Set objects
Set Player = New FilgraphManager 'Player
Set PlayerPos = Player 'Position
Set PlayerAU = Player 'Volume
Player.RenderFile file 'Load file
Player.Run 'Run player
PlayerIsPlaying = True 'We are playing
If Not Player Is Nothing Then
'if g_objMediaControl has been assigned
'PlayerAU.Volume = GetVolume
End If
Exit Sub
error: 'Handle error
StopPlay 'Stop player
End Sub
Function GetPlayerDuration() As Long
On Error Resume Next
GetPlayerDuration = PlayerPos.Duration
End Function
Function GetPlayerPosition() As Long
On Error Resume Next
GetPlayerPosition = PlayerPos.CurrentPosition
End Function
Function IsMusicOver() As Boolean
If GetPlayerPosition >= GetPlayerDuration Then
IsMusicOver = True
End If
End Function
Sub StopPlay()
If Player Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Not playing nothing to stop!
'No timer after stop
'Stop playing
'Set time and status label
End Sub
Sub PausePlay()
Static Paused As Boolean 'If paused
Dim CurState As Long 'Current state of the player
If Player Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Not playing nothing to pause!
'Get player state
Player.GetState X, CurState
If CurState = 2 Then
'Is playing, pause it
Paused = True
'Is paused, run again
Paused = False
End If
End Sub
Profane ~- Colaborador
- Mensagens : 818
Créditos : 130
- Mensagem nº4
Re: [Dúvida] Mapas não carregam música
Sua engine usa a Quarts Dll.
Feita na base do Goran /o/ Um gringo que faz muitos códigos "errados".......
O Código todo de transição e inicio das musicas teriam de ser debugados para saber o que está passando...
A solução seria buscar suporte de alguém que possa entrar em Conferencia para ajudar ou postar a sourcer para que alguem possa fazer a correção e lhe repassar.
Feita na base do Goran /o/ Um gringo que faz muitos códigos "errados".......
O Código todo de transição e inicio das musicas teriam de ser debugados para saber o que está passando...
A solução seria buscar suporte de alguém que possa entrar em Conferencia para ajudar ou postar a sourcer para que alguem possa fazer a correção e lhe repassar.
"Mistress of shattered hopes and forever broken dreams"
kronobr- Novato
- Mensagens : 7
Créditos : 0
- Mensagem nº5
Re: [Dúvida] Mapas não carregam música
Alguém aí faria isso? Tem algumas coisas que quero modificar no jogo e tirar alguns bugs. Posso pagar pelo serviço.
Profane ~- Colaborador
- Mensagens : 818
Créditos : 130
- Mensagem nº6
Re: [Dúvida] Mapas não carregam música
Posso lhe prestar auxilio em algumas correções.
Me contate pelo Pm enviando alguma maneira de falar com você mais fácil,seja discord, face ou zap.
Apos consertamos você posta a solução achada para a aldeia ;3
Me contate pelo Pm enviando alguma maneira de falar com você mais fácil,seja discord, face ou zap.
Apos consertamos você posta a solução achada para a aldeia ;3
"Mistress of shattered hopes and forever broken dreams"