Aldeia RPG

Gostaria de reagir a esta mensagem? Crie uma conta em poucos cliques ou inicie sessão para continuar.

Suporte ao desenvolvimento de jogos

2 participantes

    [EO 2.3] 8 Direções


    Mensagens : 4
    Créditos : 2

    [EO 2.3] 8 Direções Empty [EO 2.3] 8 Direções

    Mensagem por Itukakitu Qua Ago 01, 2018 8:55 pm

    Oi, esse tutorial não é meu. Todos os créditos há seus devidos autores

    Esse tutorial foi testado na EO 2.3, talvez funcione em outras versões


    Primeiro vá para modGlobals e encontre

    Public DirRight as boolean

    Adicione abaixo dele

    Public DirUpLeft As Boolean

    Public DirUpRight As Boolean

    Public DirDownLeft As Boolean

    Public DirDownRight As Boolean

    Em modInput no sub sub CheckKeys

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) >= 0 Then DirUp = False

    E adicione acima disso

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) >= 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) >= 0 Then DirUpLeft = False

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) >= 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) >= 0 Then DirUpRight = False

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) >= 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) >= 0 Then DirDownLeft = False

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) >= 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) >= 0 Then DirDownRight = False

    No mesmo módulo, substitua o CheckInputKeys sub por este

    Public Sub CheckInputKeys()

    ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out

    If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler

    If GetKeyState(vbKeyShift) < 0 Then

    ShiftDown = True


    ShiftDown = False

    End If

    If GetKeyState(vbKeyReturn) < 0 Then


    End If

    If GetKeyState(vbKeyControl) < 0 Then

    ControlDown = True


    ControlDown = False

    End If

    'Move Up Left

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) < 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) < 0 Then

    DirUp = False

    DirDown = False

    DirLeft = False

    DirRight = False

    DirUpLeft = True

    DirUpRight = False

    DirDownLeft = False

    DirDownRight = False

    Exit Sub


    DirUpLeft = False

    End If

    'Move Up Right

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) < 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) < 0 Then

    DirUp = False

    DirDown = False

    DirLeft = False

    DirRight = False

    DirUpLeft = False

    DirUpRight = True

    DirDownLeft = False

    DirDownRight = False

    Exit Sub


    DirUpRight = False

    End If

    'Move Down Left

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) < 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) < 0 Then

    DirUp = False

    DirDown = False

    DirLeft = False

    DirRight = False

    DirUpLeft = False

    DirUpRight = False

    DirDownLeft = True

    DirDownRight = False

    Exit Sub


    DirDownLeft = False

    End If

    'Move Down Right

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) < 0 And GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) < 0 Then

    DirUp = False

    DirDown = False

    DirLeft = False

    DirRight = False

    DirUpLeft = False

    DirUpRight = False

    DirDownLeft = False

    DirDownRight = True

    Exit Sub


    DirDownRight = False

    End If

    'Move Up

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) < 0 Then

    DirUp = True

    DirDown = False

    DirLeft = False

    DirRight = False

    DirUpLeft = False

    DirUpRight = False

    DirDownLeft = False

    DirDownRight = False

    Exit Sub


    DirUp = False

    End If

    'Move Right

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) < 0 Then

    DirUp = False

    DirDown = False

    DirLeft = False

    DirRight = True

    DirUpLeft = False

    DirUpRight = False

    DirDownLeft = False

    DirDownRight = False

    Exit Sub


    DirRight = False

    End If

    'Move down

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) < 0 Then

    DirUp = False

    DirDown = True

    DirLeft = False

    DirRight = False

    DirUpLeft = False

    DirUpRight = False

    DirDownLeft = False

    DirDownRight = False

    Exit Sub


    DirDown = False

    End If

    'Move left

    If GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) < 0 Then

    DirUp = False

    DirDown = False

    DirLeft = True

    DirRight = False

    DirUpLeft = False

    DirUpRight = False

    DirDownLeft = False

    DirDownRight = False

    Exit Sub


    DirLeft = False

    End If

    ' Error handler

    Exit Sub


    HandleError "CheckInputKeys", "modInput", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext


    Exit Sub

    End Sub

    Agora em modConstants encontrar

    Public Const DIR_RIGHT As Byte = 3

    E adicione diretamente abaixo dele

    Public Const DIR_UP_LEFT As Byte = 4

    Public Const DIR_UP_RIGHT As Byte = 5

    Public Const DIR_DOWN_LEFT As Byte = 6

    Public Const DIR_DOWN_RIGHT As Byte = 7

    Em modGameLogic no sub CanMove encontrar

    d = GetPlayerDir(MyIndex)

    E adicione abaixo dele

    If DirUpLeft Then

    Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_UP_LEFT)

    ' Check to see if they are trying to go out of bounds

    If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) > 0 And GetPlayerX(MyIndex) > 0 Then

    If CheckDirection(DIR_UP) Then

    CanMove = False

    ' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction

    If d <> DIR_UP_LEFT Then

    Call SendPlayerDir

    End If

    Exit Function

    End If


    ' Check if they can warp to a new map

    If Map.Up > 0 And Map.Left > 0 Then

    Call MapEditorLeaveMap

    Call SendPlayerRequestNewMap

    GettingMap = True

    CanMoveNow = False

    End If

    CanMove = False

    Exit Function

    End If

    End If

    If DirUpRight Then

    Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_UP_RIGHT)

    ' Check to see if they are trying to go out of bounds

    If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) > 0 And GetPlayerX(MyIndex) < Map.MaxX Then

    If CheckDirection(DIR_UP) Then

    CanMove = False

    ' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction

    If d <> DIR_UP_RIGHT Then

    Call SendPlayerDir

    End If

    Exit Function

    End If


    ' Check if they can warp to a new map

    If Map.Up > 0 And Map.Right > 0 Then

    Call MapEditorLeaveMap

    Call SendPlayerRequestNewMap

    GettingMap = True

    CanMoveNow = False

    End If

    CanMove = False

    Exit Function

    End If

    End If

    If DirDownLeft Then

    Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_DOWN_LEFT)

    ' Check to see if they are trying to go out of bounds

    If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) < Map.MaxY And GetPlayerX(MyIndex) > 0 Then

    If CheckDirection(DIR_DOWN) Then

    CanMove = False

    ' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction

    If d <> DIR_DOWN_LEFT Then

    Call SendPlayerDir

    End If

    Exit Function

    End If


    ' Check if they can warp to a new map

    If Map.Down > 0 And Map.Left > 0 Then

    Call MapEditorLeaveMap

    Call SendPlayerRequestNewMap

    GettingMap = True

    CanMoveNow = False

    End If

    CanMove = False

    Exit Function

    End If

    End If

    If DirDownRight Then

    Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT)

    ' Check to see if they are trying to go out of bounds

    If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) < Map.MaxY And GetPlayerX(MyIndex) < Map.MaxX Then

    If CheckDirection(DIR_DOWN) Then

    CanMove = False

    ' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction

    If d <> DIR_DOWN_RIGHT Then

    Call SendPlayerDir

    End If

    Exit Function

    End If


    ' Check if they can warp to a new map

    If Map.Down > 0 And Map.Right > 0 Then

    Call MapEditorLeaveMap

    Call SendPlayerRequestNewMap

    GettingMap = True

    CanMoveNow = False

    End If

    CanMove = False

    Exit Function

    End If

    End If

    No mesmo módulo, mas na função CheckDirection procure

    Case DIR_RIGHT

    x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1

    y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex)

    Adicione dois novos casos abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1

    y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1


    x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1

    y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1


    x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1

    y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1


    x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1

    y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1

    no sub CheckMovement encontrar

    Case DIR_RIGHT

    Call SendPlayerMove

    Player(MyIndex).XOffset = PIC_X * -1

    Call SetPlayerX(MyIndex, GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1)

    Adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    Call SendPlayerMove

    Player(MyIndex).YOffset = PIC_Y

    Call SetPlayerY(MyIndex, GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1)

    Player(MyIndex).XOffset = PIC_X

    Call SetPlayerX(MyIndex, GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1)


    Call SendPlayerMove

    Player(MyIndex).YOffset = PIC_Y

    Call SetPlayerY(MyIndex, GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1)

    Player(MyIndex).XOffset = PIC_X * -1

    Call SetPlayerX(MyIndex, GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1)


    Call SendPlayerMove

    Player(MyIndex).YOffset = PIC_Y * -1

    Call SetPlayerY(MyIndex, GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1)

    Player(MyIndex).XOffset = PIC_X

    Call SetPlayerX(MyIndex, GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1)


    Call SendPlayerMove

    Player(MyIndex).YOffset = PIC_Y * -1

    Call SetPlayerY(MyIndex, GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1)

    Player(MyIndex).XOffset = PIC_X * -1

    Call SetPlayerX(MyIndex, GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1)

    Agora em modHandleData no sub HandlePlayerMove encontrar

    Case DIR_RIGHT

    Player(i).XOffset = PIC_X * -1

    Adicione diretamente abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    Player(i).YOffset = PIC_Y

    Player(i).XOffset = PIC_X


    Player(i).YOffset = PIC_Y

    Player(i).XOffset = PIC_X * -1


    Player(i).YOffset = PIC_Y * -1

    Player(i).XOffset = PIC_X


    Player(i).YOffset = PIC_Y * -1

    Player(i).XOffset = PIC_X * -1

    Em modGameLogic no sub ProcessMovement procure

    Case DIR_RIGHT

    Player(Index).XOffset = Player(Index).XOffset + MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).XOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).XOffset = 0

    E adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    Player(Index).YOffset = Player(Index).YOffset - MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).YOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).YOffset = 0

    Player(Index).XOffset = Player(Index).XOffset - MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).XOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).XOffset = 0


    Player(Index).YOffset = Player(Index).YOffset - MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).YOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).YOffset = 0

    Player(Index).XOffset = Player(Index).XOffset + MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).XOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).XOffset = 0


    Player(Index).YOffset = Player(Index).YOffset + MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).YOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).YOffset = 0

    Player(Index).XOffset = Player(Index).XOffset - MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).XOffset < 0 Then Player(Index).XOffset = 0


    Player(Index).YOffset = Player(Index).YOffset + MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).YOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).YOffset = 0

    Player(Index).XOffset = Player(Index).XOffset + MovementSpeed

    If Player(Index).XOffset > 0 Then Player(Index).XOffset = 0

    no mesmo sub encontrar

    If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_RIGHT Or GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_DOWN Then

    E substitua-o por este

    If GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_RIGHT Or GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_DOWN Or GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_DOWN_LEFT Or GetPlayerDir(Index) = DIR_DOWN_RIGHT Then

    Exatamente abaixo deste sub no sub ProcessNpcMovement procure

    Case DIR_RIGHT

    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = 0

    Adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset - ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset < 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset = 0

    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset - ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset < 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = 0


    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset - ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset < 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset = 0

    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = 0


    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset = 0

    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset - ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset < 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = 0


    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset = 0

    MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset + ((ElapsedTime / 1000) * (WALK_SPEED * SIZE_X))

    If MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset > 0 Then MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset = 0

    Em modDirectDraw7 sob o sub-BltPlayer encontrar

    Case DIR_LEFT

    spritetop = 1

    E adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    spritetop = 3


    spritetop = 3


    spritetop = 0


    spritetop = 0

    no mesmo sub encontrar

    Case DIR_RIGHT

    If (Player(Index).XOffset < -8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step

    E adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    If (Player(Index).YOffset > 8) And (Player(Index).XOffset > 8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step


    If (Player(Index).YOffset > 8) And (Player(Index).XOffset < -8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step


    If (Player(Index).YOffset < -8) And (Player(Index).XOffset > 8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step


    If (Player(Index).YOffset < -8) And (Player(Index).XOffset < -8) Then anim = Player(Index).Step

    Em sub BltNpc encontrar

    Case DIR_RIGHT

    If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset < -8) Then anim = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step

    Adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset > 8) And (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset > 8) Then anim = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step


    If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset > 8) And (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset < -8) Then anim = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step


    If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset < -8) And (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset > 8) Then anim = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step


    If (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).YOffset < -8) And (MapNpc(MapNpcNum).XOffset < -8) Then anim = MapNpc(MapNpcNum).Step

    no mesmo mod encontrar
    Adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

    spritetop = 3


    spritetop = 3


    spritetop = 0


    spritetop = 0

    Em modGameLogic na função IsTryingToMove encontrar

    If DirUp Or DirDown Or DirLeft Or DirRight Then

    E substitua-o por

    If DirUp Or DirDown Or DirLeft Or DirRight Or DirUpLeft Or DirUpRight Or DirDownLeft Or DirDownRight Then

    Em modHandleData no sub HandlePlayerData encontrar

    DirRight = False

    Adicione abaixo dele

    DirUpLeft = False

    DirUpRight = False

    DirDownLeft = False

    DirDownRight = False

    Client-Side terminado


    Em modConstants encontrar

    Public Const DIR_RIGHT As Byte = 3

    Adicione abaixo dele

    Public Const DIR_UP_LEFT As Byte = 4

    Public Const DIR_UP_RIGHT As Byte = 5

    Public Const DIR_DOWN_LEFT As Byte = 6

    Public Const DIR_DOWN_RIGHT As Byte = 7

    em modGameLogic em sub CanNpcMove procure

    If mapnum <= 0 Or mapnum > MAX_MAPS Or mapNpcNum <= 0 Or mapNpcNum > MAX_MAP_NPCS Or Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_RIGHT Then

    Substitua-o por

    If mapnum <= 0 Or mapnum > MAX_MAPS Or mapNpcNum <= 0 Or mapNpcNum > MAX_MAP_NPCS Or Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_DOWN_RIGHT Then

    no mesmo sub encontrar

    Select Case Dir

    e adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

       ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries

       If y > 0 And x > 0 Then

       n = Map(mapnum).Tile(x - 1, y - 1).Type

       ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable


       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If

       ' Check to make sure that there is not a player in the way

       For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex

       If IsPlaying(i) Then

       If (GetPlayerMap(i) = mapnum) And (GetPlayerX(i) = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x - 1) And (GetPlayerY(i) = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y - 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If

       End If


       ' Check to make sure that there is not another npc in the way

       For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS

       If (i <> mapNpcNum) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).Num > 0) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).x = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x - 1) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).y = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y - 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If


       ' Directional blocking

       If isDirBlocked(Map(mapnum).Tile(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y).DirBlock, DIR_UP + 1) And isDirBlocked(Map(mapnum).Tile(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y).DirBlock, DIR_LEFT + 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If


       CanNpcMove = False

       End If

       Case DIR_UP_RIGHT

       ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries

       If y > 0 And x < Map(mapnum).MaxX Then

       n = Map(mapnum).Tile(x + 1, y - 1).Type

       ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable


       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If

       ' Check to make sure that there is not a player in the way

       For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex

       If IsPlaying(i) Then

       If (GetPlayerMap(i) = mapnum) And (GetPlayerX(i) = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x + 1) And (GetPlayerY(i) = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y - 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If

       End If


       ' Check to make sure that there is not another npc in the way

       For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS

       If (i <> mapNpcNum) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).Num > 0) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).x = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x + 1) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).y = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y - 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If


       ' Directional blocking

       If isDirBlocked(Map(mapnum).Tile(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y).DirBlock, DIR_UP + 1) And isDirBlocked(Map(mapnum).Tile(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y).DirBlock, DIR_RIGHT + 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If


       CanNpcMove = False

       End If

       Case DIR_DOWN_LEFT

       ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries

       If y < Map(mapnum).MaxY And x > 0 Then

       n = Map(mapnum).Tile(x - 1, y + 1).Type

       ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable


       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If

       ' Check to make sure that there is not a player in the way

       For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex

       If IsPlaying(i) Then

       If (GetPlayerMap(i) = mapnum) And (GetPlayerX(i) = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x - 1) And (GetPlayerY(i) = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y + 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If

       End If


       ' Check to make sure that there is not another npc in the way

       For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS

       If (i <> mapNpcNum) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).Num > 0) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).x = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x - 1) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).y = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y + 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If


       ' Directional blocking

       If isDirBlocked(Map(mapnum).Tile(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y).DirBlock, DIR_DOWN + 1) And isDirBlocked(Map(mapnum).Tile(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y).DirBlock, DIR_LEFT + 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If


       CanNpcMove = False

       End If

       Case DIR_DOWN_RIGHT

       ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries

       If y < Map(mapnum).MaxY And x < Map(mapnum).MaxX Then

       n = Map(mapnum).Tile(x + 1, y + 1).Type

       ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable


       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If

       ' Check to make sure that there is not a player in the way

       For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex

       If IsPlaying(i) Then

       If (GetPlayerMap(i) = mapnum) And (GetPlayerX(i) = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x + 1) And (GetPlayerY(i) = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y + 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If

       End If


       ' Check to make sure that there is not another npc in the way

       For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS

       If (i <> mapNpcNum) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).Num > 0) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).x = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x + 1) And (MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(i).y = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y + 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If


       ' Directional blocking

       If isDirBlocked(Map(mapnum).Tile(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y).DirBlock, DIR_DOWN + 1) And isDirBlocked(Map(mapnum).Tile(MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x, MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y).DirBlock, DIR_RIGHT + 1) Then

       CanNpcMove = False

       Exit Function

       End If


       CanNpcMove = False

       End If

    no mesmo módulo em sub NpcMove procure

    If mapnum <= 0 Or mapnum > MAX_MAPS Or mapNpcNum <= 0 Or mapNpcNum > MAX_MAP_NPCS Or Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_RIGHT Or movement < 1 Or movement > 2 Then

    e substitua-o por

    If mapnum <= 0 Or mapnum > MAX_MAPS Or mapNpcNum <= 0 Or mapNpcNum > MAX_MAP_NPCS Or Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_down_RIGHT Or movement < 1 Or movement > 2 Then

    No mesmo sub encontrar

    Select Case Dir

    adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

       MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y - 1

       MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x - 1

       Set buffer = New clsBuffer

       buffer.WriteLong SNpcMove

       buffer.WriteLong mapNpcNum

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).Dir

       buffer.WriteLong movement

       SendDataToMap mapnum, buffer.ToArray()

       Set buffer = Nothing

       Case DIR_UP_RIGHT

       MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y - 1

       MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x + 1

       Set buffer = New clsBuffer

       buffer.WriteLong SNpcMove

       buffer.WriteLong mapNpcNum

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).Dir

       buffer.WriteLong movement

       SendDataToMap mapnum, buffer.ToArray()

       Set buffer = Nothing

       Case DIR_DOWN_LEFT

       MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y + 1

       MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x - 1

       Set buffer = New clsBuffer

       buffer.WriteLong SNpcMove

       buffer.WriteLong mapNpcNum

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).Dir

       buffer.WriteLong movement

       SendDataToMap mapnum, buffer.ToArray()

       Set buffer = Nothing

       Case DIR_DOWN_RIGHT

       MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y + 1

       MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x + 1

       Set buffer = New clsBuffer

       buffer.WriteLong SNpcMove

       buffer.WriteLong mapNpcNum

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y

       buffer.WriteLong MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).Dir

       buffer.WriteLong movement

       SendDataToMap mapnum, buffer.ToArray()

       Set buffer = Nothing

    em modHandleData no sub HandlePlayerMove procure

    If Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_RIGHT Then

    e substitua-o por

    If Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_DOWN_RIGHT Then

    no mesmo módulo no sub HandlePlayerDir encontrar

    If Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_RIGHT Then

    e substitua-o por

    If Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_DOWN_RIGHT Then

    no sub HandleRequestNewMap encontrar

    If Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_RIGHT Then

    e substitua-o por

    If Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_DOWN_RIGHT Then

    em modServerLoop no sub UpdateMapLogic procure

    Select Case i

       Case 0

       ' Up

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Down

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       Case 1

       ' Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Down

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Up

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       Case 2

       ' Down

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Up

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       Case 3

       ' Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Up

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Down

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End Select

    e substituí-lo com este

    Select Case i

       Case 0

       ' Up Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Up right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Up

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Down

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       Case 1

       ' Up Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Up right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Down

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Up

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       Case 2

       ' Up Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Up right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Up

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       Case 3

       ' Up Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Up right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Down Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End If

       ' Left

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x > TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_LEFT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Right

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).x < TargetX And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_RIGHT, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Up

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y > TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_UP, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       ' Down

       If MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(x).y < TargetY And Not didwalk Then

       If CanNpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN) Then

       Call NpcMove(mapnum, x, DIR_DOWN, MOVING_WALKING)

       didwalk = True

       End If

       End If

       End Select

    no modPlayer no sub PlayerMove procure

    If IsPlaying(index) = False Or Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_RIGHT Or movement < 1 Or movement > 2 Then

    substitua-o por

    If IsPlaying(index) = False Or Dir < DIR_UP Or Dir > DIR_DOWN_RIGHT Or movement < 1 Or movement > 2 Then

    no mesmo sub encontrar
    Select Case Dir

    abaixo adicionar

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

       ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries

       If GetPlayerY(index) > 0 Or GetPlayerX(index) > 0 Then

       ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable

       If Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).DirBlock, DIR_UP + 1) And Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).DirBlock, DIR_LEFT + 1) Then

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_RESOURCE Then

       ' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1) = YES) Then

       Call SetPlayerY(index, GetPlayerY(index) - 1)

       Call SetPlayerX(index, GetPlayerX(index) - 1)

       SendPlayerMove index, movement, sendToSelf

       Moved = YES

       End If

       End If

       End If

       End If


       ' Check to see if we can move them to the another map

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Up > 0 And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Left > 0 Then

       NewMapY = Map(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Up).MaxY

       Call PlayerWarp(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Up, GetPlayerX(index), NewMapY)

       Moved = YES

       ' clear their target

       TempPlayer(index).target = 0

       TempPlayer(index).targetType = TARGET_TYPE_NONE

       SendTarget index

       End If

       End If

       Case DIR_UP_RIGHT

       ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries

       If GetPlayerY(index) > 0 Or GetPlayerX(index) < Map(mapnum).MaxX Then

       ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable

       If Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).DirBlock, DIR_UP + 1) And Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).DirBlock, DIR_RIGHT + 1) Then

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_RESOURCE Then

       ' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) - 1) = YES) Then

       Call SetPlayerY(index, GetPlayerY(index) - 1)

       Call SetPlayerX(index, GetPlayerX(index) + 1)

       SendPlayerMove index, movement, sendToSelf

       Moved = YES

       End If

       End If

       End If

       End If


       ' Check to see if we can move them to the another map

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Up > 0 And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Right > 0 Then

       NewMapY = Map(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Up).MaxY

       Call PlayerWarp(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Up, GetPlayerX(index), NewMapY)

       Moved = YES

       ' clear their target

       TempPlayer(index).target = 0

       TempPlayer(index).targetType = TARGET_TYPE_NONE

       SendTarget index

       End If

       End If

       Case DIR_DOWN_LEFT

       ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries

       If GetPlayerY(index) < Map(mapnum).MaxY Or GetPlayerX(index) > 0 Then

       ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable

       If Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).DirBlock, DIR_DOWN + 1) And Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).DirBlock, DIR_LEFT + 1) Then

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_RESOURCE Then

       ' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(index) - 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1) = YES) Then

       Call SetPlayerY(index, GetPlayerY(index) + 1)

       Call SetPlayerX(index, GetPlayerX(index) - 1)

       SendPlayerMove index, movement, sendToSelf

       Moved = YES

       End If

       End If

       End If

       End If


       ' Check to see if we can move them to the another map

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Down > 0 And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Left > 0 Then

       Call PlayerWarp(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Down, GetPlayerX(index), 0)

       Moved = YES

       ' clear their target

       TempPlayer(index).target = 0

       TempPlayer(index).targetType = TARGET_TYPE_NONE

       SendTarget index

       End If

       End If

       Case DIR_DOWN_RIGHT

       ' Check to make sure not outside of boundries

       If GetPlayerY(index) < Map(mapnum).MaxY Or GetPlayerX(index) < Map(mapnum).MaxX Then

       ' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable

       If Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).DirBlock, DIR_DOWN + 1) And Not isDirBlocked(Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)).DirBlock, DIR_RIGHT + 1) Then

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_RESOURCE Then

       ' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1).Type <> TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(index) + 1, GetPlayerY(index) + 1) = YES) Then

       Call SetPlayerY(index, GetPlayerY(index) + 1)

       Call SetPlayerX(index, GetPlayerX(index) + 1)

       SendPlayerMove index, movement, sendToSelf

       Moved = YES

       End If

       End If

       End If

       End If


       ' Check to see if we can move them to the another map

       If Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Down > 0 And Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Right > 0 Then

       Call PlayerWarp(index, Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).Down, GetPlayerX(index), 0)

       Moved = YES

       ' clear their target

       TempPlayer(index).target = 0

       TempPlayer(index).targetType = TARGET_TYPE_NONE

       SendTarget index

       End If

       End If

    no sub ForcePlayerMove substitua todo o sub com este

    Sub ForcePlayerMove(ByVal index As Long, ByVal movement As Long, ByVal Direction As Long)

       If Direction < DIR_UP Or Direction > DIR_DOWN_RIGHT Then Exit Sub

       If movement < 1 Or movement > 2 Then Exit Sub

       Select Case Direction

       Case DIR_UP

       If GetPlayerY(index) = 0 Then Exit Sub

       Case DIR_LEFT

       If GetPlayerX(index) = 0 Then Exit Sub

       Case DIR_DOWN

       If GetPlayerY(index) = Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxY Then Exit Sub

       Case DIR_RIGHT

       If GetPlayerX(index) = Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxX Then Exit Sub

       Case DIR_UP_LEFT

       If GetPlayerY(index) = 0 And GetPlayerX(index) = 0 Then Exit Sub

       Case DIR_UP_RIGHT

       If GetPlayerY(index) = 0 And GetPlayerX(index) = Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxX Then Exit Sub

       Case DIR_DOWN_LEFT

       If GetPlayerY(index) = Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxY And GetPlayerX(index) = 0 Then Exit Sub

       Case DIR_DOWN_RIGHT

       If GetPlayerY(index) = Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxY And GetPlayerX(index) = Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxX Then Exit Sub

       End Select

       PlayerMove index, Direction, movement, True

    End Sub

    no sub UseItem ache

    Case DIR_RIGHT

       If GetPlayerX(index) < Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxX Then

       x = GetPlayerX(index) + 1

       y = GetPlayerY(index)


       Exit Sub

       End If

    adicione abaixo dele

    Case DIR_UP_LEFT

       If GetPlayerY(index) > 0 And GetPlayerX(index) > 0 Then

       x = GetPlayerX(index) - 1

       y = GetPlayerY(index) - 1


       Exit Sub

       End If

       Case DIR_UP_RIGHT

       If GetPlayerY(index) > 0 And GetPlayerX(index) < Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxX Then

       x = GetPlayerX(index) + 1

       y = GetPlayerY(index) - 1


       Exit Sub

       End If

       Case DIR_DOWN_LEFT

       If GetPlayerY(index) < Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxY And GetPlayerX(index) > 0 Then

       x = GetPlayerX(index) - 1

       y = GetPlayerY(index) + 1


       Exit Sub

       End If

       Case DIR_DOWN_RIGHT

       If GetPlayerY(index) < Map(GetPlayerMap(index)).MaxY And GetPlayerX(index) > 0 Then

       x = GetPlayerX(index) + 1

       y = GetPlayerY(index) + 1


       Exit Sub

       End If

    em modCombat no sub CanPlayerAttackNpc procure

    Select Case GetPlayerDir(attacker)

       Case DIR_UP

       NpcX = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x

       NpcY = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y + 1

       Case DIR_DOWN

       NpcX = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x

       NpcY = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y - 1

       Case DIR_LEFT

       NpcX = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x + 1

       NpcY = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y

       Case DIR_RIGHT

       NpcX = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x - 1

       NpcY = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y

       End Select

    e substitua-o por

    Select Case GetPlayerDir(attacker)


       NpcX = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x

       NpcY = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y + 1


       NpcX = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x

       NpcY = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y - 1

       Case DIR_LEFT

       NpcX = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x + 1

       NpcY = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y

       Case DIR_RIGHT

       NpcX = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).x - 1

       NpcY = MapNpc(mapnum).Npc(mapNpcNum).y

       End Select

    no sub CanPlayerAttackPlayer encontrar

    Select Case GetPlayerDir(attacker)

       Case DIR_UP

       If Not ((GetPlayerY(victim) + 1 = GetPlayerY(attacker)) And (GetPlayerX(victim) = GetPlayerX(attacker))) Then Exit Function

       Case DIR_DOWN

       If Not ((GetPlayerY(victim) - 1 = GetPlayerY(attacker)) And (GetPlayerX(victim) = GetPlayerX(attacker))) Then Exit Function

       Case DIR_LEFT

       If Not ((GetPlayerY(victim) = GetPlayerY(attacker)) And (GetPlayerX(victim) + 1 = GetPlayerX(attacker))) Then Exit Function

       Case DIR_RIGHT

       If Not ((GetPlayerY(victim) = GetPlayerY(attacker)) And (GetPlayerX(victim) - 1 = GetPlayerX(attacker))) Then Exit Function

       Case Else

       Exit Function

       End Select

    e substitua-o por

    Select Case GetPlayerDir(attacker)


       If Not ((GetPlayerY(victim) + 1 = GetPlayerY(attacker)) And (GetPlayerX(victim) = GetPlayerX(attacker))) Then Exit Function


       If Not ((GetPlayerY(victim) - 1 = GetPlayerY(attacker)) And (GetPlayerX(victim) = GetPlayerX(attacker))) Then Exit Function

       Case DIR_LEFT

       If Not ((GetPlayerY(victim) = GetPlayerY(attacker)) And (GetPlayerX(victim) + 1 = GetPlayerX(attacker))) Then Exit Function

       Case DIR_RIGHT

       If Not ((GetPlayerY(victim) = GetPlayerY(attacker)) And (GetPlayerX(victim) - 1 = GetPlayerX(attacker))) Then Exit Function

       Case Else

       Exit Function

       End Select

    É isso aí! Eu pensei que nunca ia acaba

    Creditos: Criar e Disponibilizar o tutorial blwcrow

    Kotol gosta desta mensagem

    Profane ~
    Profane ~

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    [EO 2.3] 8 Direções Empty Re: [EO 2.3] 8 Direções

    Mensagem por Profane ~ Qui Ago 02, 2018 1:03 pm

    Agora sim, arrumado e bunito.

    Parabéns e obrigado por nos trazer esse sistema.

    Para os que interessam em passar para o DX8; as apenas pequenas modificações que precisam ser feitas, como por exemplo ao inves de aplicar as mudanças na BLTPlayer, a mudança é feita numa DrawPlayer (que é a versão dx8 da Blt)

    Continue nos trazendo mais sistemas Old Gallaxy < 3


    "Mistress of shattered hopes and forever broken dreams"

      Data/hora atual: Sáb Jul 27, 2024 7:18 am